Name Discription Country
Ballistik Pro ballistic software for Apple Macintosh, by: Helge Peters Germany
Dexadine, Inc. Ballistic Explorer, Ballistics Lab USA
Heavy Metal Software Co.  Online ShopComplete line of shooting related software USA
JBM Small Arms Ballistics online calculation and software for download USA
Lern-o-Mat Software to learn for gun expertise Germany
Logbooks For Guns   USA
M S E L E C T manage one's cartridge collection France
PointBlack  TOP CLICKSBallistic Software for windows USA
Recreational Software, Inc. RSI Shooting Lab USA
Shoot ballistic program for windows USA online shooting statistic for sport shooter Germany
ShotSoft Software for championchips Germany
Software-Entwicklung Bernhard Rißler Software for club-managing and championchips Germany
Virtual Benchrest 2 interactive computer simulation of actual benchrest target shooting USA
WM-SHOT Shot analysis Germany
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